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10 Elements for success in organizational transformations

4 December, 2020

Do you know whether the most renowned project management methodologies include the human factor as an inherent, immersed, and integrated aspect within their practices?. The truth be told… not completely!

Nowadays these methodologies, and the practices used to implement them in the organizations, define those considerations related to the human factor in a very limited manner and a component to be switched on or off depending on the moment that a project is living.

People are the main source of energy in any transformation and in keeping with their responsibilities can determine the success or failure of a project. All the tasks that are carried out during a project should consider the practices proposed in The 10 Elements. That is during the whole project the switch should be ‘on’ all the time.

For decades, we have accepted a level of success for transformational projects of less than 30%. This is true even though project management methodologies have been implemented looking to improve this mediocre level of success.

The 10 Elements looks to increasing the possibilities of success of projects by giving increased relevance to the human factor independent of the management procedures in use. This can be achieved by applying Human Group’s proposed methodology that is based on our experience and on rigorous research supported by academia since 2014. Its purpose is to propose a more rigorous, systematic, and methodical way of handling the human factor in implementing transformation processes from the moment they are conceived all the through to their successful realization. All this centered on The 10 Elements.

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